September 26, 2011
Mural in Edmund OK
Old school building in Edmund
Twin giant cross to the one in Groom TX but it is a little smaller
Pops is a popular diner and convenience store with over 400 kinds of soft drinks. The giant bottle with straw is a neon lighting up at night.
Arcadia has a 66 attraction 1898 restored Round Barn. It houses a 66 gift shop, closed we were to early and upstairs is rented for events.
David is in front of an old road scraping machine used to build the original road.
Pristine '66
This was a small mile loop of the original road.
We stopped at Bev's 66 convience store and looked across the street and saw this house with church pews all lined up. Odd
A rare Meramec Caverns barn sign.
An old RR underpass. See the old brick building in the distance.
This is a 1930 Phillips 66 sign
Stopping by the authors shop because the book says come by and say hi. He wasn't in.
An oringinal loop of route 66 still exists in Depew.
Tulsa-Sapulpa Union Railway Co restored this Trolley Car.
Their offices are right there and they opened up the trolley for us to go in.
I'm waving, can you see me.
David pretending to be a passenger on the trolley.
One of many concret culvert/bridges.
Standing on the blue whale. Hey look at all the fish.
Three different pony bridges in one picture! I like these bridges. They are kind of cool and look like big erector sets.
A sign of Oklahoma pride
An original loop through the town of Foyil. There is also a statue of Andy Payne who won the Bunion Derby.
This home is in Chelsea. It was mail-ordered from the Sears catalog in 1913. I didn't even know Sears ever sold houses.
Pryor bridge carried route 66 traffic 1926-1932. It was bypassed and is now a historical landmark that you can still drive on.
Route 66 is still a major road and maintained through the northern part of OK. 66 is not just for tourist it is used by the people that live here. The highways/interstates are toll roads and I think that if people can get where they need to on free 66 then they would chose that.
So I read in our book that this place is a classic owned by the same family since 1927. I tried to take a picture and the camera battery is dead. Very sad, but David is a genius. He takes us to McDonalds and I plug in the battery into charge it and while it is charging we eat hot fudge sundaes! It worked.
We didn't eat at this McDonalds because we didn't know where this one was yet. This McDonalds is the largest in the world. It straddles I-44 a toll highway between exits 289 and 283, just a mile away from 66.
Down the road we saw some old cars that were sad and needed some loving care.
Not Miami Florida, Miami (My-AM-uh) Oklahoma where we will spend the night. We ate at the 50's Pizza Hut with all the memorabilia.
Stop signs here are fun and different.
Coleman Theater is a marvelous 1929 Spanish Mission style show piece. Infact almost all the cities have had beautiful old buildings not as ornate as the Coleman but classic from their time period.
Isn't neon fun. My camera actually took the picture tonight. The other night at Big Texan it wouldn't.
Hpoe you enjoyed today!
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